In 2010...

Our community contributed over $28,000 to fund the building of the Internet Center in Lyantonde.

We established a partnership with the Lyantonde community-based organization, ICOD Action Network.

We formed relationships with six different schools around Chicago who raised funds to "adopt" computers for the new Internet Center.

We opened the first Internet Center in Lyantonde, Uganda with more 3,000 visits from community members since its opening.

We organized five agricultural groups in rural villages surrounding Lyantonde to create a system of information sharing and skill building, and the center has partnered with female trainees from the village agricultural co-ops to provide ICT training.
We would like to thank all of you who have been involved with Project FOCUS; without you, our accomplishments this year would have never been possible. Whether you have invested your time, your talents, your ideas, or your hard earned money, we are deeply grateful for your support.
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